My introduction to Structural Integration (S.I.) came from my own journey to wellness. A case of whiplash at the age of 6, the result of a car accident, left me with back pain and chronic headaches. My search for relief included conventional medicine, massage and chiropractic treatment. The most effective relief came after discovering Structural Integration.

I have trained with some of the most respected teachers in the Structural Integration field. In 2010 I successfully completed my advanced training under the guidance of Emmett Hutchins, who was a collaborator of Ida Rolf, the originator of “Rolfing” and S.I. work, becoming the only advanced S.I. practitioner in Kamloops. I find great satisfaction when I’m able to work with clients, problem solve and bring their bodies back into alignment. I work with the philosophy that each body is unique and that we do not fit the same postural “box”, and by viewing the body in this way we can work to bring you to the best alignment for you! I have also done extensive professional development; specializing in areas such as scoliosis, fascial research, functional movement and stability of the pelvis. Most recently, I have integrated Somatic Experiencing into my practice which has expanded my understanding of how the central nervous system (NS) can create issues in the body from trauma and long-term stress. I enjoy an active and balanced lifestyle that includes pilates, yoga, surfing, stand-up paddle boarding and skiing.